Sweet Dreams

Monday, July 11, 2011

yet another thought

Why Is it that we want to live are dream but yet our daily lives get in the way of doing that. I want to be able to spend more time with my kids and less time having to work. I know we have to work to afford to do things with the kids. I'm sure that when I get old I won't be saying I wish I would have spent more time working. I don't want to say I should have spent more time with the kids. I work Monday through Friday with the weekends off. I choose to spend those two days with the kids while other parents might choose to go out(every weekend) and leave the children are with a sitter.I do agree husbands and wife's do need to spend time together but You will have plenty of time for your self when your kids are grow.Remember they are only little once. You can't go back and change bad choices so make the right ones.   Enjoy and live your life to the fullest.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Another Dream

I really don't know how most people think about sleep and dreams but its my favorite time of the day. It's takes me from the real world and in to another, weather the dream is good or bad. If the dream is bad its a relief when you wake and with a good dreams its a disappointment. I think it might be partly due to my depression , it takes me away  some days I could just dream the day away. I pray to god at night to let me have a nice dream or see a loved one that has passed on or go home to visit wear we come from and wear we will someday return. I look forward to going home to leave this world and all its grief and sadness. It not that I want to go now I love my family to much and want to spend many years with them. I just want a little visit now and than to help deal with the life here on earth.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Are Dreams a look in to our past,our future, something that happened in our day, A movie we watched, a book we  read, A thought in your own mind, A trip home to the other side to visit are loved ones that have passed or maybe even a look in to our own past life's.

Hi I am a forty some year old mother of three and have always wonder what my dreams really mean, If anything. I have a really hard time remembering what I was even dreaming. So I have Decided that when I wake in the Morning I will jot down my dream and Blog about it latter.

I do have my own beliefs about the after life and if we can visit home as we sleep. I might have many people that disagree with me but that's why it's so great  we  can all  live our own lives and have there own beliefs and share the same world.

I have work with a great lady for the past ten years and we have become best friends.  Even though we have different beliefs and she's not sure she believes in god or the after life. we  respect each others and are views and are able to talk about how we feel.

I am hoping this is what my blog will Inspire. I want to talk about our dreams and our Beliefs.
I hope you decide to come back and join the conversation .